Simon Spanswick isimli ziyaretçinin yorumu

Dear Mr Ciliv;
I am writing to invite you to a private networking dinner that AIB, the industry association for international TV and radio broadcasting, is holding during Mobile World Congress.

This special dinner is an off-the-record event and is hosted by AIB to introduce a number of our high profile international members to key players in the mobile and related industries.

A number of our members have already developed successful partnerships with major mobile companies and are keen to expand their work in mobile, whilst others are still studying the best way to engage with the industry and with consumers via mobile. This private dinner will, I believe, help both these constituencies and offer considerable potential benefits to all who attend. I know that other networking dinners that we have organised in the past have led to ongoing business relationships and I am sure that this event will prove equally beneficial.

The dinner will take place on Wednesday 16 February starting at 2130 in central Barcelona.

I do hope that you will be able to join us - some of our members have specifically asked that a representative from Turkcell joins the dinner and so, if you are unable to take part (and I do understand the pressure on diaries during MWC!), please nominate a senior colleague in your place (perhaps Lale Saral Develioglu?)

I will be happy to provide you with any other information about the AIB and those who will be attending the event from our membership if this would be helpful.

I look forward to meeting you in Barcelona and look forward to receiving your confirmation that you will be able to join our special dinner.

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